ISIS are giving pills to rape victims

Terrorist organization Islamic State (IS), the imprisoned women is being used as a sex slave. To prevent pregnancy they gives pills to the victims. Not only that, if a woman becomes pregnant by deception is forcibly aborting. The ISIS believes that after becoming mothers, women are no longer in sex. Recently escaped from the clutches of the IS Yjidi women told their story to  US New York Times newspaper that painful story.

Everyday provided Pills

One woman said her painful story she was locked in the room there was only one bed. Waning day was scared of her; because she knew that night he will be the next victim of rape. Every night she had hurt him pass. A month later it was realized that these birth control pills.

The slave women gift

IS fighters Yjidi community of women and girls over the last two years of such oppression in our possession are down. Trade between them continues. IS terror constantly keep circulating as gifts.

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ISIS are giving pills to rape victims